
How to Pass the Quiz

Passing the quiz is needed in order to be issued a completion certificate and considered having completed the course. This is a requirement of the PRC and we are required to submit the questions for approval of the course. You need to score 80% to pass. On average 20% of the quiz takers pass it on […]

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CPDAS Submission of June Course Completions

We are happy to announce that we submitted to CPDAS last July 15, all 7 enrollees who completed the course on Respiratory Disorders in June. (See Top Picture) We have blurred their names and PRC ID Number to maintain privacy. Only their initials and last 2 digit of PRC ID number is shown. We are […]

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13 CPD Units Awarded for 8 Nursing Courses

We are happy to announce that 2 more courses totaling 3 units were recently approved and renewed by the PRC nursing CPD council. This is on top of the previous 6 courses totaling 10 units that were approved before. Both have a validity period between July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2022. Below you will […]

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10 CPD Units Awarded for 6 Nursing Courses

We are happy to announce that the PRC Nursing CPD Council has awarded a total of 10 NRS CPD units for 6 courses. However, 5 of those courses are a renewal of our previous courses and will be valid only starting July 1, 2021 when the validity of the previous course has expired. Below you […]

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1.75 Units Awarded for Nursing CPD Course

We are very happy to announce that finally after over a year of waiting, one of the 12 approved courses we have submitted to the nursing CPD council was finally awarded 1.75 units. Respiratory Disorders and Appropriate Nursing Interventions will be available for enrollment by the second week of May. Its PRC Accreditation Number is […]

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How Many CPD Units per CPD Nursing Course?

**Update: All CPD Nursing Courses now have approved CPD units and corresponding PRC program accreditation numbers. Please go the the products page to see all the details for each course. (press CPD nursing menu at upper right hand corner)How many units does each nursing course have?This is probably the most frequently asked question especially in […]

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Welcome to Philippine CPD Online Nursing

Hello Nurses! Welcome to Philippine CPD Online Nurses. After a long wait (due to the onset of the COVID19 crisis) we are finally here. We are committed to providing nursing courses that will be relevant to  clinical nursing practice. We will be covering various diseases and pathologies commonly encountered in the clinics and suggest appropriate nursing […]

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