Philippine CPD Online – Nursing

CPDAS Submission of June Course Completions

We are happy to announce that we submitted to CPDAS last July 15, all 7 enrollees who completed the course on Respiratory Disorders in June. (See Top Picture) We have blurred their names and PRC ID Number to maintain privacy. Only their initials and last 2 digit of PRC ID number is shown. We are currently preparing to submit over 140 completions in 8 nursing courses  to CPDAS for July by August 15.(See Next Picture)

We are happy that most of you took our advise to defer completing the courses until after July 1 to immediately avail of the corresponding units. For those who completed the courses prior to July 1 (except Respiratory Disorders) you will need for the PRC nursing council to process their backlog before units can be credited.In order to understand why, you need to understand PRC rules on course accreditation, date of validity and awarded units. When a course is approved by the PRC, it is valid for one year. Once units are awarded, it is given a PRC program accreditation number. Units can be credited so long as they are completed within the validity period.

Most of our courses were approved initially in 2020 with validity dates between July 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021. However, due to the backlog in the nursing CPD council, they were not yet awarded credits and given a program accreditation number. We submitted all the courses for renewal early this year and they were approved last week of May with validity dates from July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2022. (Except Respiratory Disorders- March 15, 2021 to March 15, 2022.) Units were awarded and program accreditation numbers were assigned. Unfortunately, the backlog for courses submitted in 2020 still remained. So only course completions starting July 1, 2021 can be credited with awarded units. Course completions before July 1, are considered completed under the previous backlogged course and need to wait for them to be processed before units can be credited.

We have asked the PRC to allow us to credit the newly awarded units to previous enrollees who have finished the courses prior to July 1. They turned us down and said that we need to wait for the backlog to be processed.

For the whole month of June since the renewals were approved, we have informed people through our blog and even on the courses themselves to pass the course after July 1, so they can avail of the awarded units, since the PRC disallowed the retroactive rewarding of units. Otherwise, they have to wait until the backlog is resolved. That is why hundreds of enrollees are just now finishing their courses and will have their units credited directly by August 15 through CPDAS.

CPDAS is PRC’s online CPD platform. It allows us to encode directly to PRC’s database, all those who have passed our courses. But only for courses registered through CPDAS. Technically CPDAS started October 2020, but the kinks were only ironed out this year. Prior to CPDAS, we had to manually submit courses for approval and course completion reports were also submitted manually and have to be encoded individually by PRC personnel. And of course, they are completely backlogged. Search the CPDAS for CPD courses prior to October, 2020 and the list is incomplete. Completion reports are also not completely encoded so most units have not been credited to individual professionals even though they have been submitted by CPD providers.

Now, starting with all courses submitted and approved through CPDAS, we encode the name of enrollees who completed the course on the 15th day of the month after they complete the course. So if you finish the course in July, it will be encoded by us to CPDAS on August 15 and automatically credited to your CPDAS account. This is accessible online to all PRC branches nationwide for license renewal. All current courses on nursing were submitted through CPDAS and all course completions submitted by the 15th day after months of completion and credited directly to your CPDAS account.

Below you will find another screenshot of the June completions, this time with the number of units credited. The digits before the units are time stamp of course completions.

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