Philippine CPD Online – Nursing

How Many CPD Units per CPD Nursing Course?

**Update: All CPD Nursing Courses now have approved CPD units and corresponding PRC program accreditation numbers. Please go the the products page to see all the details for each course. (press CPD nursing menu at upper right hand corner)

How many units does each nursing course have?

This is probably the most frequently asked question especially in our nursing CPD courses. Followed by 'Why is the number of credit units still pending?'

For all other professions except nursing, the awarded CPD unit per course is listed in the course product page. For nursing, they are pending. However, we are willing to guarantee at least one unit per course. Please read below for a detailed explanation.

Before we continue answering these  questions, we need to understand that the PRC CPD nursing council, the official PRC body that awards CPD units to courses in nursing is backlogged for at least a year. It last awarded credit units last September 10, 2020 for courses that were conducted in February 2020. And has not awarded any units since that time. See screenshot below.

Course applications need to be submitted at least 45 working days before they are conducted, so those courses were submitted in 2019. So no courses submitted in 2020 have been awarded credit units yet. At least in Nursing. Since all our courses were submitted in 2020, no nursing CPD course has any awarded units yet.

As you will see later, courses we submitted to other CPD council months after we first submitted courses to the nursing council already have awarded units. Although all councils are currently backlogged due to the Pandemic, it’s mostly just 30 to 60 days. The nursing council is backlogged over a year and no sign when it’s going to  get better.

What  PRC rules do accredited CPD providers like us need to follow in offering accredited CPD programs to professionals?

First, we are not allowed to offer courses that have not been approved by PRC. That is a condition of our accreditation.

Second, we need to submit courses for program accreditation to PRC before offering them following strict guidelines and conditions imposed by each PRC CPD council.

Third, the professional CPD councils is  the  final arbiter as to how many units each course  should have and we are not allowed to pre-empt them. Although PRC has published guidelines on how CPD units are awarded, we are not allowed to make any promise in the number of units they might award to a course since they can change the rules and their mind anytime. This will become apparent when we discuss how many units were awarded by other professional CPD councils to our courses.

After submitting each course to the appropriate CPD professions council, PRC has to approve or disapprove the program within 15 working days and once approved, they need to award corresponding units within 45 working days after submission.

Once approved, online courses are valid for one year and can be conducted on the approved dates. Awarding of credit units is supposed to follow as scheduled. Except that the PRC professional CPD councils are currently backlogged, most by 30 to 60 days, except for nursing which is backlogged for over a year.

So how many units will the nursing CPD council probably or might award for each course? 

Following PRC guidelines, all our courses are designed for one unit credit per course. That said, how many units were actually awarded by the other professional councils?

The mechanical engineering council awarded one unit per course as expected. The education CPD council awarded 1.5 units each to three courses, even though they initially informed us that they will be awarding one unit each. See screenshots below. Our company name is CPD Online Pro while our trade name is Philippine CPD Online.

The medicine CPD council initially awarded one unit to our course, but when they renewed it on October 15, 2020, they awarded it two units. So you see, it’s very hard to know ahead how many units they will award even following their guidelines.

So, let’s still presume that the nursing CPD council will award one unit per course. If they award less than that, we will allow you to enroll in as many courses for free to cover that deficit. If they award units higher than that, you get to keep the extra units for free. So you have nothing to lose. Once units have been awarded, prices will be adjusted to the standard price of PhP 200/unit. For more information read the FAQ page.

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